Training Opportunities

Rise Up with RyseOn!

“We are pumped up to announce RyseOn is now the official coaching partner for core4 2024. It's time to get ready for the next time! We want to get you in your BEST shape for race day with Coach Noah Collin's expertise in exercise science and his programs. 

RyseOn is offering 2 core4 training package options. The VIP package includes a free entry to core4!”

core4 goes west!

“We're super stoked to announce our 2024 training ride: core4westside! Picture it! We set up base camp out of the Amana Colonies on May 19th! A new showcase of all the surfaces!

We mount up @9am sharp at the Brau Haus before hitting the scenic hill country of Amana! Highlights include surprise + delights at the iconic Green Castle bridge, Coralville's new Deadwood singletrack segment and some spicy B roads! We're elevating the game this year with female + male pacers including lead, 16, 14, 12, and sweep.

This 60-mile training ride features frequent regroups and a 30 mile bale-out option sans singletrack.
Food + beer options for purchase back at the Brau Haus by Millstream Brewery! Only 150 spots! $14 to get in the line up!”